Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just finished watching the movie "rithu" by shyamaprasad. It didnt boast of a spectacular cast, nor were the ones in it exceptional. Frankly I could find a lot places where the acting or actions could be improved. But there was quite a build up to the release of the movie and it did manage to gather some sort of critical aclaim too.Anyways, to a lot of people it was award winning stuff. To a lot more it was something fresh, something out of the usual monotony.

Well to me it was a journey to my past. To my college days. Where it was all fun and laughter. And pure gaiety. No cares in the world. The only obstacles being the occasional exam. But even that was met with indifference at times. The examinations and tests didnt stand a chance against the wide open roads and the company of closed ones. There were times even a harmless roadsign have misled us. From college.From exams. From our real purpose of actually being in that big city. To me, being in that neon light led city was made of dreams. It meant being able to go out at night. It meant being able to spend money without asking permission. It meant doing your own thing. It meant being out in that big bad world. In short it meant Freedom. And freedom is something that you got to really handle with care. We took our time to learn that. We learnt it the hard way.But learn we did.

There were times we didnt have anything to do, we would just go on these long drives.Totally aimless. The point of return was totally dependent on the amount of gas in the car. Well, not totally.At times it also dependend on the amount of beer in our bellies. or heads for that matter.

These drives made my life a lot better. At least these days when I watch movies like "Rithu" I can feel myself smiling inside. And think.. Yeah,, I know what it is like. I've been there.. Done that..

So to my pals who were there for me, thru all shit,,, cant love u guys enough...
